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Your Audience Wants You 🦄 Issue #5, Byline Friday 🦩
September 20, 2024

Your Audience Wants You

"My audience wants me?"

Yes, your audience wants you. They want to see who you are and what you have to say.

"What is this? What audience? Am I some performer somewhere on a stage in some auditorium where there is some audience waiting for me?"

Relax. You are not a performer on any stage. You are just a regular person. But what you forget is that you are also a pretty unique person. There is no other person exactly like you in terms of personality in this world. You don't believe it? Your fingerprints. That's your proof. No other person on this planet has the same fingerprints that you have. Agreed?

"Ok, fine. So what? What is this audience that you are talking about?"

Yes. That audience is your followers and subscribers on social media.

"I don't have any followers and subscribers. Ok, maybe, a few on Facebook and Instagram. I have never cared about those things."

That maybe so. But the thing is they care about you. That's why they follow you. They like seeing your posts and engage with your posts by liking it, commenting on it and even sharing at times.

"So where are you going with this?"

So what I am trying to tell you is that even though you may have a few people following you today and you don't care much about this fact, but they like you for some reason. Maybe, the time has come for you to actively publish more posts online on your social media channels so that more people can get to know you, like you and follow you.

"Are you serious? Why should I do it?"

So that you can gradually build an engaged audience that shares your interests and trusts you. There can even come a day when you may have something to sell that you have created - a product or a service. This audience will be the first to be interested in what you are selling.

"Again, are you serious? Is this even possible? I am not some businessman. What can I create and sell?"

Ha, Ha, Ha. Now that's the game that we will play together. More on the rules and How-tos of this game in the coming newsletter issues.

Three Nice Quotes I Found

1. "I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes." 👉🏼 Joanna Maciejewska, Author and videogame enthusiast

2. "We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one." 👉🏼 Confucius, Chinese Philosopher

3. "Accept people as they are, but place people where they belong." 👉🏼 Anonymous

What I Posted

1. YouTube short: Facebook and Instagram want 'this' from you
2. Instagram reel: Want to increase your personal influence?

Whenever you are ready, here's how I can help you:

1. Google Maps help

If you know someone who is a business owner and his/her business is listed on Google Maps, and he is having some problem getting visibility or engagement, share this newsletter with them. They can fill up the Google Maps Help form that I have created to know what problem they are experiencing. I can then get back to them.

Use the form link: 👉🏼 google-maps-form.html

2. Book Editing help

If you are an author, who would like help in your nonfiction manuscript, you can check out my book editing service 👉🏼 Book editing service.html

3. Download Free Checklists

🙋🏼‍♂️Book editing checklist for first time authors You can download this free three-page checklist if you are thinking of writing your book or have finished your manuscript. (Just type '0' in Name a fair price box when you click to download.)
Book editing checklist for first-time authors

🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️Social media marketing checklist to grow followers You can download this three-page free checklist if you are looking to grow your social media following. (Just type '0' in Name a fair price box when you click to download.)
social media marketing checklist to grow followers
Thanks for taking out some time to read this newsletter. See you next Friday with another issue of 'Byline Friday'.

You can also connect with me on my other social platforms on the link:

My online platforms

All the best,


@bylineraza | #bylineraza

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